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Harriman : Any Info Re Red Cross Trail Stream Crossing Condition?

Planning on doing combo of TC's hike HERE and Daniela intended hike HERE this Saturday.  Came across this note on TC's trail conditions' update pate re bridge out on the Red Cross Trail just south of Hasenclever Mine: 

"Red Cross Trail: The low bridge about 0.3 mile south of Hasenclever Mine was washed out. Crossing is possible by a somewhat difficult hop over stones.  It will be difficult in times of high water.    Replacement is not yet planned."
Anyone know conditions of this stream presently?  Is it usually fairly deep/wide, etc.? I'll bring my plastic booties just in case, but between navigating whatever blowdown surprises, I'd like to have a bit more heads up on something else that could either chew up considerable time or nix the thing entirely.
Thanks in advance.  I'd appreciate any info.


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