NJ Hiking: Connect

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Harriman seems to be the area of choice this weekend in order to be a few steps ahead of those alleged isolated/scattered thunderstorms predicted for later tomorrow and Sunday.  

I know the temps may still be borderline Sahara-like, but I'm willing to give it a shot if it means I can trade off my sneakers & jogging attire for my hiking cut-offs, hiking shoes & trekking poles, since my being relegated to just walking around the backyard w/the aforementioned hiking gear has become something my neighbors are beginning to, eh..."wonder" about.

Any suggestions for hikes in that general vicinity that are on the lesser-strenuous-without-being-totally boring side? Length isn't necessarily a factor.  A too-short hike just isn't worth the drive.  Just one w/a lesser degree of difficulty otherwise,  might help keep the buckets of sweat dripping in our eyes at a minimum.

It doesn't necessarily have to be Harriman. Bear Mtn., Hudson Highlands or nearby would be doable, too.  Just as long as it's within a similar driving distance for us, which is under 2hours.  

Thanks in advance.  My neighbors will appreciate it, too. *wink*


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This is serious.  You need an intervention!

I recall this one being on the milder side for Harriman: 


Hah! Intervention without a doubt!  I could use some serious "Hiking Healing" alright.  

Would you believe I was looking at that very hike on your blog earlier as well as the Timp/Doodletown one you did?

Unfortunately, as so often happens,  something totally unexpected came up this afternoon that forces us to nix any hiking for Saturday at all. Now, we can only hope the weather holds out for Sunday.  I hope we're able to do one of the two you've done. 

Otherwise, I fully expect I'll be painting blazes on the trees in my backyard and building tiny cairns every few feet. Pathetic.


Otherwise, I fully expect I'll be painting blazes on the trees in my backyard and building tiny cairns every few feet.

HAH!! Now that's what I call "landscaping".

We couldn't get out for Saturday either and are pondering another bike ride for this "scattered thunderstorm" forecast for most of Sunday.



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