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Harriman Stony Brook Creek Bridge Crossings Conditions

We did the NY/NJ Trail Conference's version of Harriman's Seven Hills/HTS/Raccoon Brook Hills Loop yesterday (6/23) w/variation on return due to three bridges along the Stony Brook Creek that are listed - even on the NY/NJ Trail Conf's map - as being out.  Obviously w/such a permanent notation on their new maps, even the Conference feels those bridge replacements aren't imminently forthcoming.

Where the original return calls to continue on the Kakiat and then cross Stony Brook Creek at least three times using those bridges, we opted to leave off at that point and just continue on the side of the creek we were already on using the Pine Meadow Trail back to Reeves Meadow Visitor Center. 

We did, however, investigate at least the reported placement of logs at the first washed out crossing.  There were, indeed, logs in place to cross over, but IMO, kind of precarious.  I'm not keen on log crossings anyway and this was no exception.  Apparently some other hikers felt differently because we could see and hear several on the other side of the creek.

As for the second crossing, we were too far away from the creek by then on our Pine Meadow return to discern anything.  

I'm thinking the third washed out bridge crossing, had some means of crossing in place because we encountered quite a few hikers coming in from the yellow (Stony Brook Trail) where it joined the Pine Meadow.  So perhaps there may have also been some gerry-rigged crossing at the second wash out as well.  

All a bit confusing, but it was later in the afternoon and getting too populated w/big biting black flies (and late afternoon strollers coming up Pine Meadow, which can sometimes be just as annoying) to clamber through the muddy, overgrown swampy area to investigate any further.  We'd had such a good hike that day, we didn't want to do anything to spoil it at that point. 

Maybe others might want to ferret out more info in person or perhaps the TC will be provide better updates on the conditions (temporary or permanent) in the future. 


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