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Brendan Bryne – Pakim Pond and Mt. Misery Trail - 2/20/11

We tried this hike nearly one year ago to the day, but had to cut it short due to snow. So this time we waited for the snow to be finally gone from South Jersey before we headed down.

9.9 miles - This trail is a great sample of the pine barrens: endless pine, sandy trails covered in pine needles, and cranberry bogs. It’s also a hike that is more about the journey than the destination: Mt. Misery is the end point but there is not much to see… just the back of some old, uninteresting buildings. And it’s not even a hill, let alone a mount!


Read the entire Pakim Pond and Mt. Misery post here.


Views: 171

Comment by Daniela Wagstaff on February 24, 2011 at 2:50pm
I was soooo disappointed when I got to Mount Misery - it was like "Is this IT?" With there being signs saying how far to Mount Misery along the way I had expectations of finding something there but all I saw was a "No Trespassing" sign in someone's yard.  The trail itself was pretty decent, though, not all sand roads, which was nice.
Comment by njHiking.com on February 24, 2011 at 3:19pm

I know!! I figured there would be at least a few neat dilapidated buildings to photograph. I don't know if those buildings were someone's yard or what was left of Mt Misery... either way... ugly. I meant to take photos to show the area anyway, but we got distracted helping out some confused hikers.

And good thing I checked out your trail description beforehand, otherwise we would of spent a few minutes standing there pondering why the white trail had ended, and where to go next.

Comment by Daniela Wagstaff on February 24, 2011 at 4:50pm

LOL!  Glad I saved you standing there pondering why the white trail ended because I sure did stand there pondering that!  And yes, after the fact I also realized I had not taken any pictures because I was so busy trying to figure out where to go.  However, my dog managed to snap a shot with her pet cam.  I had completely forgotten about that.  So here we have it, Mount Misery!

Comment by njHiking.com on February 24, 2011 at 5:11pm
Fantastic! The pet cam makes it look better than it really is!


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