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Headed out to do AT - DWG to Greenwood Lake

Hitting hotel in DWG, PA tonight and getting started at 6am tomorrow. Goal tomorrow night is Catfish tower (about 12-13 miles). Hope to hit Greenwood Lake Next Saturday.

All my stuff - minus some food I mailed to High Point.

Views: 210

Comment by TJ Karakowski on September 20, 2013 at 9:09pm
Backing packing equipment for sale. -$100 obo. Just kidding. DWG to NJ/NY border completed today around 11am (with jumping off dock into Greenwood Lake marina in oil slicked water). Am hooked on our lovely state, and the "AT" experience. Lots of Southbounders. Also hawks, owls, snakes, new friends and a Harvest Moon. Whats not to love? But not a bear sighting. More to follow when I relearn how to type.
Comment by Paul on September 21, 2013 at 1:37pm

Couldn't have asked for better weather! Hope you had fun.

Comment by TJ Karakowski on September 21, 2013 at 4:23pm

amazing time.   am hooked on whole thing....

Comment by Junester007 on September 28, 2013 at 9:36am

Just out of curiosity.  What was the total weight of your backpack?

Comment by TJ Karakowski on September 28, 2013 at 1:12pm
June- Well you know I'm not a lightweight traveler. Probably in the high 30s. At one point leaving Unionville NY, I had a gallon of water ( literally I bought a gallon jug), (2) 16oz beers, 16oz of rum (from home) and a Gatorade- say 8-10lbs of liquids. I must have been into the 40s. However this was also a very flat stretch of 3-4 miles with the last half mile being a big uphill to Pochuck Shelter where I made some new friends with all my liquids!
Oh and thanks you took my avatar pic on left!
Comment by Paul on September 28, 2013 at 3:30pm

I'm a tequila man myself, but I wait on the beers till I get home...just sayin'  ;)

Comment by TJ Karakowski on September 29, 2013 at 4:22pm

My last name should reveal that (a) I'm not that bright and (b) I drink way too much!


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