NJ Hiking: Connect

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NJ Hunting Season Calendar for Hikers, 2011-2012

We've created a NJ Hunting Season Calendar for Hikers.

This covers Nov 2011 - Feb 2012.

Basically we got tired of trying to sort through the Deer Regulation Sets for dates, and decided to just take all the dates listed across all the zones.

Hikers aren't thinking "zones", we're just looking for dates when there is no hunting or there is just bow and not firearm.

It does not cover small game, some of which is firearm, but deer season is the main concern for hikers.

Hopefully some of you will find this helpful.



Views: 584

Comment by Linda Frank on November 3, 2011 at 9:41pm

Thank you, Dawn!  This is invaluable for those of us who have grown bleery-eyed and numb-struck trying to cyber-leaf through webpage after webpage after website and, yes, even print media in a futile effort to determine those dates.  As you said NJ hunters think in terms of "zones" whereas hikers are, basically............"zoneless".

Thanks again.  It's copied and filed for future reference.  


Comment by Anthony on December 31, 2011 at 3:20pm

Fantastico, Thanks a Bunch Dawn!


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