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South Mountain Reservation - Hemlock Falls - 12/22/11

Between the busy holidays and all the mild-weather hiking days, we've gotten a little behind on our hike write-ups!!


South Mountain Reservation - Hemlock Falls - 12/22/11

With mild weather in the forecast for Jersey – in the mid-50′s in December! – we had to go hiking. Sometimes, you just need to ditch things and go for a hike.

Our compromise was heading to a park under an hour away, where we could get a moderate hike in while leaving the rest of the afternoon open to attempt to be mildly productive. We’d been saving South Mountain Reservation for just such a situation.

There is a viewpoint from Washington Rock (where a signal beacon warned the Army at Morristown of the British Army’s approach),  Hemlock Falls (a popular waterfall destination, though we had it to ourselves this morning) and a hike along the Rahway River.

Miles: 6.1 miles

Route: Lenape Trail (YELLOW) – Rahway (WHITE)

– Continue reading the South Mountain Reservation - Hemlock Falls blog post.

– Complete hike details found on our South Mountain Reservation page.

Views: 133


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