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Can anyone advise me on an intermediate overnight hike?

I have been doing intermediate day hikes and have been having a lot of fun.  I have gotten all of my gear together and would like to start doing multi-day hikes. Eventually, I'd love to go out for a week or so but I'd like to start with an overnight. 

Can anyone advise me on an intermediate scenic trail for a newbie? I live in North NJ but am willing to drive a couple house if need be. 

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Dude this is exactly my deal this summer. Check my blogs, Round Valley is a good choice and Harriman has the advantage that it's free. I just don't know about parking there, and you have to consider water. Using a state park in Jersey at least you'll have potable water and bathrooms. If you can get someone to drop you off and pick you up, hike into Waywayyanda on the AT, camp there overnight and hike out to some set point and get picked up. It lets you test out your equipment. Day hiking and hiking with 30+ lbs of stuff are two different beasts in my opinion. Let us know what you end up doing! -TJK

THanks for the response TJ.

I will surely look up Round Valley. I've noticed a bunch of small parking areas in Harriman. I'm sure I can figure something out. 

The water and bathrooms really are not an issue.

I don't really have someone to drop me off and pick me up but I do like Waywayyanda. I have been there. I liked it.

I don't mind carrying a pack. I do want to use my equipment though. I bought all this camping stuff and haven't used it yet. LOL


Sorry i didn't see this sooner. I hope you found something good. I'm also in north jersey. I do go to Harriman alot and the advantage there is that there are so many trails ( and so many many camping spots trailside) that you can make a trip any length you want; and you can plan loop hikes to get back to your car without doubling back.

A good starter overnight can be found in High Point... see TJ's blog. It's a nice six mile loop with views ( come back on the Iris trail to make the loop).

Another favorite loop in the 5-6 mile range is the Coppermines Trail / Kaiser Trail. Do it in the spring when the rains have filled the falls. It is Bee-u-tee-ful! Walk in on the coppermines and camp when you get to the ridge, then it's an easy walk out the next day.

I was a Harriman the other day. I was planning on doing an overnight. I had a National Geographic map. Even though I had the map I still managed to get myself turned around. After a few hours I found my way back to my car but my confidence was shot. I was a little intimidated and didn't feel secure enough to stay the night. It seems like the trails didn't match up with my map. I guess I'll have to practice a bit more. 

I'll have to check out the High Point loop. Thanks.

Maybe I will do the Copper mine trail in the spring. Water falls sound nice.  I think I'll try Harriman again in a couple weeks though. 

I will probably pick up a gps just to calm my nerves. I was super confident with the NAtional Geographic map up until the other day. I still haven't figured out happened. 

Oh yeah, and if you don't mind going out & back on the same trail, do any stretch of the AT in Stokes. Most of it is along ridges and there are many views.

I don't mind going to Stokes. I'll have to get some maps first before I go though. I'm probably going to get a gps soon too. I prefer loops but I'll take what I can get.

I have a pretty basic Garmin etrex. It is good for marking a spot, like where you have parked. And if you add a waypoint (coordinates) for your destination it will keep you pointed in the right direction. But it does not know the trail. Once you have been someplace, it will remember the route. But it will not guide you like a car gps does, telling when to turn, etc. I still think the GPS is great, but it is only as good as the data it has.

For Harriman, it is def worth getting the NY NJ Trail Conference maps. I'm not sure if NatGeo shows you the trail network as well as the trail conference maps. http://www.nynjtc.org/

Paul. Thanks for the advice. 

Hmm. I would need a GPS with maps in it. Setting a waypoint is great cause I would be able to backtrack if I got lost, but that single function is not worth the cash. I'll have to look into it before buying one. Ideally, I'd like a GPS with all the NY and NJ trails. 

I'll have to look into the Trail Conference maps. I have a couple. I remember not liking then, but I don't remember why. I'll have to take another look at them.

 GUYS, I use to be a member there but now I am a 67 year old retired bum. Cant afford it. Don't worry about using conference maps. Their latest maps are good info. I don't have one. Mine are from 2002. Some trail colors have been changed. A few trails rerouted slightly. A few bridges are missing. A few unmarked trails are marked now. My favorite short trail the Six chins hasn't been on them for 30 years at least, I still use it. The old red trail up the west side of Ramapo Torn, my way for 45 years, is now a part of the HTS. Things change but Harriman hasn't.  

 Fall is a great time in Harriman, Bear Mtn. Enjoy it.


Well good luck with that, my friend. I'm only a few years behind you, but I know (and you know too) that the world has changed since 2002. A few years ago, I tried to get back to my car at Lake Tiorati from the R-D Trail using an outdated map. It added a Mile and a half of roadside walking at the end of my day. Lesson learned for me.

And you don't need to be a member to buy a map.

I don't mean that the GPS is only good for one thing. The map is an accurate topo, but the trail network is not on the map. Garmin's maps are very good for roads & towns, but they probably can't document every trail in every park in every state. HOWEVER, as you use the GPS, the info gets stored and you will establish tracks through the woods. It's like the breadcrumb trail from fairy tales (only the birds can't eat them). Then you can follow those tracks back (if you're going out & back on the same trail), or store that track for future use. I've recently started using the Garmin Basecamp app on my desktop. When I come home from a trip, I download the data from the GPS into this app, and I can see the trail on a map on my computer screen. I'll try to attach a screen grab.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not selling Garmin products, but it is what I am familiar with. I'm sure that other Nav makers have their own stuff.

BUT... all that being said, you should check out this app for your smartphone: http://www.nynjtc.org/pdfmaps

It may be the best of both worlds...if you have enough battery life.


Since this thread is way off track anyway , I'll take it Paul that you're really digging your droid and starting to use some apps!  I just pulled the trigger on getting a smartphone (iPhone) and will be checking this out!

To the original Poster Mike R -  I don't use GPS, and I get lost a bit myself - my one trip to Harriman was frustrating with the trail junctions as I felt they weren't well marked so I understand where you're coming from. Whether or not you get into GPS, I implore you to get the Harriman map from the NYNJTC. I don't' work for the NYNJTC (I suspect Paul does work for Garmin ;-),  but I've stated several times their maps are the single best thing I've bought for hiking at $10-$12 a set 

(actually you can get it for less than $10 on amazon)



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