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NJ Hiking: Connect

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I want to go out the last weekend in March, I am just not sure where to go.  I do know I want to go along the AT.  I did the section from Brink road to High Point.  I don't like the fact that there is no open fires at the shelter in NJ.  I am thinking I will go out on Saturday morning early  and return Sunday.  Probably do about 15 to 20 miles.  Give me some suggestions please.

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Obviously NJ frowns upon open fires and sleeping in the "backcountry", with the AT being the only place you're technically allowed to overnight along the trail (but no fires). I was reprimanded slightly by an AT trail runner over the summer for having a fire (I used an existing fire ring in a well used site just north of Sunrise Mtn). There's certainly evidence that many people are having fires despite the rules - what the penalties are if they're enforced I don't know. Rutherford and Pochuck shelters are both somewhat far from easy access and both had ample evidence of fire usage when I hiked the AT in the fall. Are you doing an out and back (ie returning to your car) or getting dropped off/parking at one trailhead and getting off trail at another 15-20 miles away?

You know the AT goes into NY where you can legally have fires. Harriman offers lot of options. I've never been on the AT north of that. The AT section through Harriman is a solid 15 miles I think starting at Elk Pen (going North) and ending at Bear Mountain Bridge (or vice versa). 

I would like to do a one way hike but if I have to do an out and back I will.  I will check out Harriman in NY.

If anyone wants to join and split the ride, that would be great

There is still a lot of snow on the ground here in Sussex Cty (yes, even after this warm day). Just sayin...

Anybody know if the other end (Dunnfield- Sunfish) is any better??

Going out the weekend of 4/5  if anyone wants to go with me

Thanks, but I'll be working. Where did you decide on going, anyway?

I am going from Delaware Water Gap to Mohican Center and Back

Fantastic. The Coppermines trail is great when the streams are full.


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