NJ Hiking: Connect

Please visit NJHIKING.COM - Connect is no longer updated

NJ Hiking: Connect site is shutting down

Please note that the NJ Hiking: Connect site - http://connect.njhiking.com - will permanently shut down on October 1, 2016.

The company that provides the software for the forum stopped supporting it long ago, is now increasing the monthly cost astronomically, and most people have been connecting via social media instead of places like Connect for several years.

For these reasons, we’ve decided to close down the Connect forum site. This will NOT affect our main site njHiking.com in any way.

Please make sure you have a copy of any content or photos etc that you’ve uploaded. If you need any help or have questions, contact us.

We really enjoyed sharing content and connecting with all of you over the years! Please continue to do so via social media.

Thank you!

Dawn & Tom







Views: 175

Comment by Paul on September 7, 2016 at 7:25pm

So sad to see this forum close. Although I was less active than I used to be, I still appreciate having a place to meet fellow NJ hikers.

Thanks to you guys for running this forum. Happy Trails!

Comment by njHiking.com on September 8, 2016 at 10:39am

Thanks Paul. We're bummed too. We'd even looked for alternatives to port the site to awhile back when it became apparent the company that bought the platform wasn't going to support it but no solution was that great.

I wanted to just leave the old site as is, leave the info up, but since the monthly is literally going from a few dollars to $50... it's time to pack it in.



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