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Harriman - Almost Perpendicular, Elbow Brush - 1/29/12

Oh Harriman, we adore your wacky place names: Almost Perpendicular, Elbow Brush, Claudius Smith Den... and this moderate to difficult hike takes in all three. [Harriman Trails: A Guide and Historyis a great source for the origin of place names and park history, along with description and mileage charts of every trail in the park.]

It was another practically balmy "in-the-50s-in-January!" day and the Johnsontown Rd. parking lot was nearly full when we arrived. We'd last hiked from this lot in September 2006, and I'd forgotten how nice the Blue Disc trail is.

"Almost Perpendicular" is a steep rocky section on the Blue Disc trail, with a little scrambling that leads to a nice viewpoint.

"Elbow Brush" is a short squeeze through a rock crevice, along Blue Disc. This is easily bypassed by following the sign as you approach, however right at the actual "Elbow" you can decide to bypass or go through....


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