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NJ Hiking: Connect

Please visit NJHIKING.COM - Connect is no longer updated

It looks like the NJ1K website is no longer working. While you can reach the site, you can't log-in. I know there are a few other NJ1K members here, does anyone know what has happened?

I thought NJ1K was a great idea, it got me to places where I would never have thought to go, and gave me a real sense of accomplishment when I completed the list.

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In January I saw someone ask what happened to the site on the NYNJ-TC Facebook page but haven't see anything else about it. When I just went to it this morn, it's showing PHP errors – so something is amiss with their code. You could try emailing them and see if they are even aware there is an issue with logging in.


Hi all, Eric here from NJ1K. Long story short, I got free hosting from an acquaintance several years ago from which I hosted NJ1K. When they ran a software upgrade about 8 months ago, the site stopped working. So I decided to buy a virtual private server and rewrite the site from scratch. A beta version is up and working now but not all the features are implemented at the moment. So feel free to give it a whirl. Sorry the site was down for so long.

Welcome back, Eric. And thanks for keeping the resource alive!

Glad you're back, Eric, and the re-done site looks great!



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!!!!! NJ Hiking: Connect site is inactive.

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