NJ Hiking: Connect

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Black River Park – Kay’s Cottage, Conifer Pass, Bamboo Brook – from Chubb Park - 7/6/14

This hike was an example of why it’s good to have a backup plan or at least know of nearby hike options.

The parking lot for the Cooper Gristmill was roped off when we arrived... I knew that the Black River Trail can be picked up just down the road at Chubb Park or we could try the parking lot at Kay Center and start the loop from there – or completely switch gears and go to Hacklebarney or maybe Schooley’s.

We opted for Chubb and started from the trail kiosk near the porta-john. The trail map showed the BLUE trail leaving from the lot, crossing a power line cut, and then turning left. But at the trail kiosk, the trail was marked RED. Well, no matter, we’d make do.

Famous last words.

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